Today I released a new version of
Mac::Choose which wraps the choose command line utility. Basically this lets you, from Perl, pop open a fuzzy match dialog like quicksilver, alfred, et al. This is probably best shown rather than explained:
use Mac::Choose qw(choose);
print choose qw(
) or die "User canceled selection";
The exciting thing about this release is that while previous versions required you to go to
Tiny Robot Software's website to download a copy of
, this version of Mac::Choose ships with the
binary and installs a copy alongside the Perl module.
Using File::ShareDir
In order to handle the intallation of the binary in a place where my code could once again find it I altered my distribution to use the
File::ShareDir infrastructure. Essentially this infrastructure comes in two halves, an installer to install things in the shared dirctory and a module that can give you access to the files again.
In my Module::Intall powered Makefile.PL in order to use
Module::Intall::Share I simply had to add the line:
This installs everything in the
directory of my distribution (which just contained one file, the
binary) when you
make install
The changes to my module were also very simple:
use File::ShareDir qw(dist_file);
our $executable_path = dist_file("Mac-Choose","choose");
After those changes, everything worked flawlessly...apart from the test suite! The problem is that until the module is installed the files aren't in the shared directory, and traditionally we test a module
before we install them.
This isn't insurmountable however, we just need to make some changes to our tests to quietly override File::ShareDir's functionality with that from
use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL);
use FindBin;
use Test::File::ShareDir (
-root => catdir($FindBin::Bin, updir),
-share => { -dist => { "Mac-Choose" => "share" } },